We here at Down To Earth Massage Education did comparison of both colleges and trade schools in Texas only and their cost and length of programs and here is what we found:
Public Community Colleges 2-year programs average cost is $17432
Public Community Colleges 4-year programs average cost is $27623
Private University 4-year programs average cost is $35778
Trade School up to 2-year programs average cost is $16250
(cost does not include living on campus, books or other supplies)
Payments available weekly, bi-weekly or monthly: $5,050
Pay up front: $4,500
Payments available weekly, bi-weekly or monthly: $5,300
Pay up front: $4,750
Payments available weekly, bi-weekly or monthly: $5,550
Pay up front: $5,000
$250 is due at enrollment, which is the non-refundable deposit.